The concepts in Unwinding Want may seem quite strange at first. While the ideas themselves are simple, they’re unfamiliar and perhaps even unfashionable in today’s world. This unfamiliarity is precisely what makes them challenging to grasp.

Paradoxically, simple things can often be the most difficult to understand. That’s why I’m offering to answer any and all questions you may have about the book and its ideas.

I’ll be addressing questions on a first-come, first-served basis, providing answers in short audio posts.

How to Participate

1. Record your question using the app at this link:

2. Start by stating your first name and general location.

3. Ask your question about the book or any related concepts.

4. Feel free to re-record as many times as you need to get your question just right.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and exploring these ideas together. Your questions will help us all deepen our understanding of the simple yet profound concepts in Unwinding Want.

Note: If you’d prefer to have me read your question, you can submit it at this link.